Choosing to Lean Not to Her Own Understanding: The Sandra Wright Story

Have you ever been in a place where you felt like you lost everything? While some of us think we know what that feels like, Sandra Wright knows firsthand what it means to be a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Born in February 1949, Sandra started her career as a flight attendant for Trans World Airlines in her early 30s. Her career spanned over 20 years until an earthquake in California caused her to move away. Sandra left California in a hurry, without checking in with her family or God. Sadly, in the years that followed, Sandra lost her grandmother, aunts, and both of her sisters. She felt lost, hurt, and forgotten by God.
“I did not want to go back to church,” said Sandra. “My significant losses changed me [and] I did not want to be around people.” Over time, Sandra decided to move to Atlanta, where she started attending the Faith Walk Church. It was here where she rededicated her life to God. With a new perspective on life, she decided it was time to move again after nine years in Georgia. So as soon as her nephew Edward, who she raised from birth, was offered a new job in Jacksonville, they packed their bags and left Atlanta. However, once Sandra got to Jacksonville, she realized how different the lifestyle was from Atlanta. “I was unhappy,” she said. So, she started spending lots of money, perhaps to feel better, often giving it away to others without question until she eventually became homeless.
Then one day, everything changed for Sandra—she met a friend who brought her to the Trinity Rescue Mission. “I was broken down and empty,” said Sandra. “When I was sick, they took such great care of me.” Sandra spoke of how the staff showed her love and compassion so deep that it brought her back to God. “[I] went back to God and asked if he would break me down where I [was] too strong and build me up where I was too weak,” she said. God used Trinity to restore Sandra’s self-esteem; she gave every worry over him.
“I learned how to lean and depend on God since I have full trust [in him],”
said Sandra.
“My life [has] been changed.”
Despite being homeless for nearly three years, Sandra still finds joy in her circumstance. “God has turned my life around,” she said. Sandra, now a recovery graduate, plans on purchasing her own home and car very soon. “[I will not] make the same mistake twice,” she said. “I will always consult God before making any decisions, as he is my only help.”
If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness, please reach out to Trinity Rescue Mission in person or by calling (904) 355-1205. If you are interested in being a part of the Trinity Rescue Mission in terms of financial giving, in-kind donations, or donating your time as a volunteer, please visit the website by clicking here.
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