New Year’s Resolution

At the beginning of the year, we asked several of our residents to think about what they would like to accomplish this year. We had several write down some amazing goals and who are in the process of making these goals happen!

Ashley Chila

“In 2021, I want to work on authentic healing in my inner man and make amends with my children and soon to be ex-husband, that will help us heal as a family, according to the power and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, and the mercy and grace that comes from the ministry of reconciliation of Christ Jesus. Taking this time here at Trinity has allowed Jesus to rebuild my identity in Him in this new season, and it is truly a blessing and an opportunity that already has been very beneficial to me. Having a chance to step back and let God’s word and patience reflect truth, confidence, grace, mercy, wisdom and forgiveness to my brokenness has reminded me that despite my faltering and failings of 2020, that He is still my redeemer and His love never fails. I pray that God opens doors that no man can shut and closes the ones that no man can open, as He sets my feet back upon solid ground.”

Ana Kaur

“Trinity Rescue Mission has provided shelter for me and at the same time provided an opportunity to develop important life skills, such as communication, socialization and commitment and responsibility towards self and community. My future goals would be continuing my education by obtaining my GED.”

Vincent Campbell

“The expression ‘revolving door’ often comes to mind when people speak of the Trinity Rescue Mission’s Lifeline Program. Well, I can honestly say that if it were not for the continual support, encouragement and guidance given to me by the staff of Trinity, I would probably be in the same state of addiction and homelessness as before. After helping overcome addiction issues, Trinity now has given me a safe place to put all my other needs in order. For example, I have gotten all legal issues behind me and have established long term health care (I deal with two terminal illnesses). The final leg of my journey is now at hand, which is to acquire housing and because of the step-by-step accomplishment of the other goals, this too will be an obstacle easily overcome. It is only by the grace and mercy of God that an environment such as Trinity Rescue Mission exists, and through that grace and mercy, I have found self-worth, purpose, drive, and love for life and community.”

Kelly Fournier

“What a year 2020 has been… Everything in everyone’s lives has been challenged this year because of Covid-19. So much change, so much loss, so much hardship. Like many, I felt the strain of the changes, but because I have been blessed with Trinity as my home right now, I don’t think I felt the hit like so many others. This year of 2020, I was able to get a job, and even though I haven’t saved much money, I have been able to pay off just about all my back bills and things I have owed for a long while. I would never have been able to do that living outside of here and paying to survive on the outside. So, another blessing in living here, is that Trinity has sheltered us so much from even really being exposed to the virus, which at the times of quarantine were hard, was best for all of us. By reconnecting with my God again because of living here, stresses and worries of the unknown future that don’t consume me as they would have the old me. This is because my faith in God and wanting his way for my life has me moving forward with strength in the tomorrow in this new year to come. Challenges and changes will always be a part of our lives because of the world we are a part of, but it’s knowing God is bigger than it all. My resolution this coming 2021 is to find a new job that fits better in my life with having kids and finishing paying old bills and to buckle down and save, save, and save so I can move into a forever home with my kids come 2022 if not sooner.”

We are so proud of the progress that these individuals have made so far. We know that all four of them will accomplish so much and will continue their growth through this year!

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Help Save a Life in Jacksonville

Trinity Rescue Mission

622 West Union Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Trustworthy Cause

Trinity Rescue Mission is a 501 (c)(3).

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