Lifeline Program

A structured Christian program for men to defeat debilitating cycles & homelessness.

For Men


Many men who come to Trinity Rescue Mission for Emergency Services often turn to our Lifeline Program for Men for additional help. Lifeline for Men is a 90 day residential discipleship program available free of charge to men who need help in putting the pieces of their life back together. In working with a Lifeline Case Manager, these men are given a safe and sober environment in which to begin breaking the pattern of homelessness and addiction.

The Lifeline Program for men is a very structured discipleship program that focuses on biblical principles, hard work and a commitment to sobriety. Men who complete the Lifeline Program may be candidates for our Freedom Farm Program, or they may choose an alternate route to recovery in working on case management plan with our Lifeline Case Manager.

For Women


Likewise, women and women with children often connect with Trinity Rescue Mission's Lifeline for Women program after receiving services from our Emergency Services Program. Though similar in name, the Lifeline Program for Women is different than the program for men because it is specially tailored to meet the needs of homeless women and mothers with children. Lifeline for Women is also a highly structured, Christ-centered residential program designed to break debilitating cycles that lead to defeated lives and homelessness. While drug and alcohol rehabilitation is often a focus, the program is helpful to women who need to overcome homelessness for any reason.

Our women and mothers participate in various spiritual and addiction recovery activities, including: discipleship classes, devotions and Bible studies, live and video education life skills and parenting classes, daily devotions, daily meetings, memory verse work, reading requirements, weekly counseling sessions, and a daily chore schedule. Graduates of the Lifeline Program for Women are most often connected with jobs and housing after working with our Women and Children's Center Case Management team.

Family Note

Trinity Rescue Mission is not currently equipped to host homeless family units, due to space limitations and the need to maintain tight security at our Women and Children's Center for the protection of the residents there. Accordingly, our programs focus is on unaccompanied homeless men, unaccompanied homeless women and unaccompanied homeless women with children at this time.

Help Save a Life in Jacksonville

Trinity Rescue Mission

622 West Union Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Trustworthy Cause

Trinity Rescue Mission is a 501 (c)(3).

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