Spiritual Recovery Program

Chapel, spiritual counsel, and prayer support for those in need.

spiritual recoveryOur Emergency Services Program can include chapel, spiritual counseling and prayer support as our guests receive essential shelter, food and basic services on a night-to-night basis. Guests receiving emergency services are encouraged to connect with long-term programs that work to help them end their hunger and homelessness, whether those services are the Christ-centered services provided by Trinity Rescue Mission or other services provided by another community provider.

Our Lifeline, Freedom Farm and Transitional Housing programs emphasize the gospel of Jesus Christ as the source of every material, physical, vocational and financial need which is met. It is our sincere belief that true transformation is not possible without God's grace and a relationship with Jesus Christ. And frankly, we know it is true because we have seen it work for over 50 years.

God is the hero around here. Not us. Not our staff. Not our programs. It’s all God.


Help Save a Life in Jacksonville

Trinity Rescue Mission

622 West Union Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Trustworthy Cause

Trinity Rescue Mission is a 501 (c)(3).

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