Women & Children’s Center

Dedicated to rebuilding the lives of the most vulnerable in need.

The homeless women and children in our community might as well be called the invisible population. They are forced to stay in cheap motels, with friends, and frequently in their car. They are often trying to flee domestic violence and bad relationships, leaving them trying to cope with mental health difficulties or even substance abuse.

25% of All Homeless Individuals are Women and Children

With your help, Trinity Rescue Mission takes hundreds of those women and children from a place of fear, helplessness, and feeling stuck to a place of safety, hope, and support.  While their immediate needs are being provided, they are learning life skills that will help them build a sustainable future for themselves. 

We help all types of women and their children, no matter what kind of background they come from, or what their needs are. We offer them individualized care that includes the things that will best benefit them, whether it’s taking classes on budgeting or parenting, teaching them job skills, getting them help with mental health and addiction, or simply offering child-care.

Most women with children that come to TRM are single moms without a safe or stable male in the picture. They are in a uniquely vulnerable position. We, with your help, stand in the gap and offer them safety and stability. You have helped us offer things like our Lifeline Program, a 12-18 month-long program with high graduation and success rates. In this program, women are given a stable, nurturing environment to work through addiction and abuse issues. They are offered mentoring and provided structure via a chore schedule, devotions, Bible Study, and life skills classes. 

Through these programs and others, you help us restore these women’s belief in themselves and chart a path forward for success, stability, health, and fulfillment for them and their children in a Christ-centered manner. 


Help Save a Life in Jacksonville

Trinity Rescue Mission

622 West Union Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Trustworthy Cause

Trinity Rescue Mission is a 501 (c)(3).

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