Michael Russ’ Story

Trinity Rescue Mission Cook Gets A Second Chance At Life
Michael Russ knows his way around a kitchen and is not afraid to let you know it. Currently serving as a cook for Trinity Rescue Mission, Russ couldn’t be happier to share his passion for good food with others. Also, who doesn’t love a great meal?
“They let me cook in the kitchen because I love to cook,” said Russ regarding Trinity. Russ came to Trinity after getting caught up in drugs after a friend influenced him to try them.
“Years ago, a friend of mine told me about crack,” recalls Russ, “So, I tried it out.”
After some time working through his addiction, Russ found Trinity and regained a sense of hope for his life.
“They gave me a second chance,” Russ said gratefully. “I came to Trinity Rescue Mission to get some help…I thank God for this place.” As of today, Russ has been working with Trinity for 90 days, cooking up meals with lots of love, and thanking God each step of the way for Trinity’s help.
At this point in his life, Russ feels more whole than he’s felt in a while and realizes he doesn’t need drugs to complete him.
“I do not have to smoke rock anymore,” Russ said with joy. “I can become the man God wants me to be.”
Trinity gave Russ his second chance and renewed his faith in God’s strength and love. “They gave me hope again,” Russ shares. “I do not have to pick up [drugs] again.”
If you are someone you know is dealing with drug use and homelessness, please reach out to Trinity Rescue Mission in person or by calling (904) 355-1205. If you are interested in being a part of the Trinity Rescue Mission in terms of financial giving, in-kind donations, or donating your time as a volunteer, please visit the website by clicking here.
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